Sunday, 8 January 2012 what you need if you want to be an Outlaw

So a quick overview... it's fair to say that I haven't been as motivated in life over the last few years as I should have been. I've been getting by, but I've hardly been pushing myself.

That now has obviously all you already know I'm doing this Iron Distance triathlon thingy...but I also started a new job just before Christmas. I have been casually self employed but I needed to get back into full time employment due to this expensive hobby I've found :-). It's been quite a culture shock to get back into a routine working 8.30-6pm, with a commuting time of 1.30 each day. But I'm enjoying the job and I've got some great new work colleagues as an added bonus.

And so to todays blog entry...This week has been my first week of following my Outlaw training schedule, Tuesday was the first day back in the office, but I was determined to get to the pool beforehand, despite being called in for an early start at work. I made it, but had to endure the banter when Coach Steve and Andy found out my one likes an Estate Agent right? :-).

Another early start Wednesday so I could get a bike and running transition session in before work and before daylight. But not to sound like I'm complaining, I guess the message of the blog this week is to highlight the realisation that the amount of training combined with living life has struck home...good job I love it, it's all part of the challenge.

I finished the weeks training this week by taking responsibility for organising the Sunday ride. Our usual leader Helen is away training in Lanzarote with husband, and fellow Outlaw entrant Mike...lucky for some :-). I decided to get us out on the Outlaw bike course from last year, I know it's due to be different this year but seeing as though I live pretty much on it I thought it'd make for a good ride. Just one loop totalling 46 miles with fellow Outlaw entrants Cayci and Andy, Half Ironman Mallorca entrant Lisa and Ruth and Louise. We all made it up Oxton Bank and I really enjoyed hosting and planning, I hope they all enjoyed it too.

Another aspect is my love of music, it's a really important companion to my running. I thought I'd let you know what I've been listening to and what's been helping me on my way. This week I tried something new for my long run on Saturday...I went for a more chilled out feel with the Yeah Yeah Yeahs second album Show Your Bones, and concluded with some of The XX. It seemed to go well so I'll keep you posted.

Dedication is definitely what you need if you want to be an Outlaw, I'm going to enjoy my day off training tomorrow and look forward to starting it all again Tuesday. I went out for dinner with my folks to reassure them I hadn't gone insane, and I found a mentor in best friend Andy Lumley, probably only he will get my conclusion fully, but I'm sure you know what I mean after reading this when I say "All or Nothing".

Follow me on Twitter @Matto_w

1 comment:

  1. good to just get out there! Oxton bank, how steep is it , what kind of gear did you need?
    My compact 11-28 got me up the hills at wimbleball but always in the 28!
    Living in leeds the next time I get to Nottingham will be May 25th for the 999 tri and 750m in the lake!
