Saturday, 2 June 2012

4 Weeks To Go...

Not long now folks, 4 weeks tomorrow to be precise. Just over a week of peak training before the taper begins, and to be honest I can't wait. I really love training but for the last few weeks it's just been too much, 19.5hrs this week, and 20 next. It's starting to take it toll. Thanks to all those around me for there support, especially Sam who gets the short end of the stick more often then not, and often can't do right for doing wrong. I'll make it up to you soon I promise.

So this week, I was way too tired to get up for the early morning Tuesday swim session with Absolute Tri Club, so I stayed in bed. Got back from work as usual and did a decent hour run. Wednesday is my usual tortuous day... up at 5am to do a brick session before work, an hour on the bike followed by a 30 min run, it was distinctly average and as with most of my sessions of late, I've felt tired. Finished work in time to make it to open water at Holme Pierrepont, thanks to Steve's instructions I managed 3000m, a bit of neck chafing but all good. I love the feeling of swimming open water. Thursday, pool session after work followed by a 1 hour 30 min run, not keen on finishing training after 9.30pm, but needs must at the moment. I had Friday off work so did my long ride, 5.5 hours at 16.5mph with an hour run off. Trying to get the balance right as I don't want to leave my marathon on the bike course. Today keeps it real! I did 1 hour 45 mins on the bike at a steady Z1 16mph, the long run off was really tough for the last 2.5 miles, I have at least got through the psychological barrier of 20 miles, but it's hard to keep the mind straight. I'm still daunted by the fact I've got to run another 6 miles, not too mention the rest of the bike first. I finish the week tomorrow with an hour in the pool and a 1 hour 30 min ride (probably in the rain looking at it), before spending the rest of the day with my closest friends and family. I'm not especially up on the news as I'm so busy, but I think it's something to do with the Queen.

I want to tell a little anecdote if I may? I've always been a decent runner, but at school I was always second best, there was this other guy, and for the sake of this story we'll call him 'Tom'. He was a great runner and way better than me. Year 11 at the end of term was the whole schools cross country run, I was already resigned to come second, and second I came, behind 'Tom'. So.. the following year... I was in Lower 6th Form, and 'Tom', he'd left to do A-Levels at some other college. This was my year. As we set off this young undetermined runner set off at lightening pace, I followed and awaited him to blow up and burn out. Needless to say he didn't, he won and yes you guess it, I came second :-).

The moral of the story isn't that I'm going to lay this demon to rest and win Outlaw, you may laugh at this, winning is finishing :-). It's to highlight the support I received from all areas. I've not seen 'Tom' probably for at least 10 years, but via social networking 'Tom' has been keeping up with and 'liking' stuff, and has sponsored me, for which I'm very grateful. Not just him but to everyone. It's going towards a great charity with great people involved. The great thing about the people behind the charity is the basic mentality. When something tragic happens, the thought wasn't who/what is out there to help me/us, it was how can I/we use this to help others. I think this mentality is amazing and inspirational, and it's why I'm getting behind the Karen Green Foundation. Hit the KGF link on the right to find out more, better still hit the Just Giving logo and pledge your support.

Thanks for your time y'all, I'm off to pretend I have a life. It's not even 5pm yet the evening is my oyster :-) Matto_out xx

ps I wouldn't call myself a Coldplay fan (at all!) but this is one of my favourite songs, and has a special meaning to me from way back. The lyrics suit how I feel right now...

"Nobody said it was easy, no one ever said it would be this hard"

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