Sunday, 24 June 2012

The Outlaw... The Final Countdown

So that's about it folks, all the work is done, now just a few hours training this week, and this time next Sunday I'll be out there. I've been pretty relaxed about it all so far but it's starting to get very real. The thing with Triathlon is there is so much kit and so many things to remember, this is multiplied when it come to Iron distance with all the extra nutrition/hydration and the changes of clothing. I've made a list so fingers crossed I don't forget something, I guess it's not far to nip home if I do, but it's fair to say I'm pretty stressed about it all.

I've been so incredibly touched by how generous people have been when it comes to sponsoring me. As I'm sure you're aware by now I'm racing for the Karen Green Foundation, find the details of what they do by following their logo on the right hand side of this page. I just want to mention a few people who have helped me raise the money so far, I'm pretty hopeless when it comes to asking for money. Ann Lumley has been amazing in asking pretty much everyone to sponsor me, Ella at work has asked anyone who has come into the office, and Sally and Sue took my sponsorship form home to get people who I've never met give generously, thanks guys you're amazing. Everyone has given so generously, some of the individual amounts have been amazing. I also want to tag on a little extra thanks to Sue at work, she offered to cover for me so I don't have to work on Saturday. It may not sound much but I can't explain the amount of stress this has released, it also means I can get my mug in group photo that is being planned :-), thanks Sue.

A few more special thanks, Lummo, all your support and enthusiasm and words of wisdom are always appreciated (not to mention your Garmin) see you at the Nottingham half-marathon??? Sam, who has had to put up with triathlon 24/7, I have been incredibly selfish and I really appreciate your support. Whether it be that you don't see me for hours while I'm out training or that when you do I'm too tired to be much company. Thanks for humouring all my talk of triathlon, I can't imagine how boring it must be for you ;-). And finally someone as yet I've overlooked. Matt my housemate, he's kind of been there through everything I've been through in the last few years. He may be untidy but he does have very straight hair. Thanks for all your support (I think), and thanks for the amazing donation Gonzo.

I want to just quickly mention a club mate too, someone who inspired me to even enter this race in the first place. Unfortunately she has had to pull out due to injury, she will still be doing the bike leg of a relay but I know this is a poor substitute for her. It really affected me when I heard the news last week, I didn't know what to say, I can't imagine going through everything we've been through (winter and all) and then pulling out so close to the race. But needless to say she will be back fully fit and stronger than ever, I know she has set her sights on next years Outlaw. She is stronger and more determined than even she realises, when it's her time she'll be an Outlaw without doubt.

Finally a word for my Mum and Dad, I had a nice chat with them yesterday catching up after Dad had gambled badly all week at Royal Ascot, still they had a great time I think. After we finished the call Dad rang back, he often does this if there's something he's forgotten. Well this time it was just to tell me how proud he and Mum were of me. Thanks guys, brought a tear to my eye too Dad. We're not overly emotional when it comes to words as a family which is why I told him to stop being soft :-).

Some final race info for anyone wanting to come and spectate. My race number is 302.

I'd recommend checking out the info from One Step Beyond:   

An estimate of my race day for anyone supporting:

06:00 - Swim Start
07:30ish - Swim Finish/Bike Start
14:00-15:00 - Bike Finish/Run Start
17:30-19:00 - Finish (hopefully)

NB: All times are subject to change :-/

Everything starts and finishes around Holme Pierrepont. You'll be able to track my bike splits after 40.2, 66.4 & 89.5 miles, and periodically on the run via StuWeb Timing website.

It'll be great to see some friendly faces along the way.

I guess that's about it for now, if anyone wishes to donated, please follow the link on the right to my Just Giving page, Matto_out xx

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