Sunday, 25 March 2012

The Clumber Park Duathlon and Wedding Bells...

Hello again, this has been the first week when I've not missed a scheduled training session. I'm absolutely shattered, but I'm starting to feel like every second counts with 14 weeks to go. It's roughly about the time I started running about a year ago. I started training for a 10k at Wollaton Park and haven't really stopped since, it's scary to think how far I've come but how far I've still got to go. Nothing out of the ordinary this week, except I substituted my long run on Saturday for the Clumber Park Duathlon.

This was only my second attempt at a multi-sport event and lets be honest, I need all the experience I can get. If it's possible I've come back even more addicted. I really enjoyed the event and the competition, and despite the 25 minute delay due to fog, it went pretty well. A quality school boy error as I came out of T2 still wearing my bike helmet and sunglasses, which I had to dash back to drop off but hey, it's all a learning curve :-). I came 64th overall and 30th in my category, under 40's. Not a bad start I guess, the running was ok but still a lot of work to do on the bike. I set out with a goal of going under 02:30:00 for the event.. I should quickly explain... Classic Distance Duathlon is, Run 10k, Bike 40k, Run 5k.

So it went some thing like this:
Run 1 - 39:14
T1 - 01:20
Bike - 01:18:47
T2 - 01:29
Run 2 - 20:46
TOTAL - 02:21:36
I was made up to run a sub 40:00 10k, but a little to disappointed not to go under 20:00 for the 5k, the bike took a lot out of me, but overall I'm satisfied, sub 02:20:00 next time :-).
It was great to see club mate Nick there too, we finished pretty close as well.

On Thursday I finally got my new bike set up, with a great bike fit with Mick at Langdale Lightweights. Delighted to get my Ribble out on the roads finally, so thanks to Mick. I'd highly recommend the bike fit, it makes such a difference, and the new bike is great.
I had a great Saturday night, which I managed to get through by having a sneaky afternoon nap on the sofa, great food and great company, thanks ;-), and it was great to have a quick catch up and cuppa with Catherine today... trying not to neglect my friends too much, although the pressures of time just keep increasing and increasing.

Oh, I nearly forgot... Wedding Bells... not me :-) but my best friend Andy and Gabby finally got engaged. I've always said life isn't like TV or the movies but I'm pleased to say they've pretty much proved me wrong. I was pretty speechless when Andy called to tell me the great news, it'd be an honour and privilege to share there special day so when he asked me to be best man, I was well and truly over the moon. Great people, loads of love to you too, hopefully see you soon.

As for the rest of you, matto_w out xx

Sunday, 18 March 2012

The Karen Green Foundation, Training and Other Ramblings

Hi All, I've had a good few days training which I'll run through first. Friday I was off work so I managed a good run and a good solo pool session. Borrowed from the Thursday night session with Absolute Tri Club I did 48x50m off 75secs. Thats a total of 2400m in an hour, steady pace I know but notable as it's the furthest I've been in an hour... and over half race distance. I went for a steady long run saturday evening too, a nice steady pace sub 8min miles for 1hr30mins, not bad after only having 4.5hrs sleep Friday night. I finished off the weekends training today with a 4hr ride, 60 miles at 15mph, again the furtherest I've been... and again over half race distance. It's scary to think how much further I have to go and do it all together, but progress nonetheless, I need to remind myself I'm still a beginner. I'm doing the Clumber Park Duathlon next Saturday so it was good to take in the route today, I did 4 laps of the course so the distance won't be a problem, just need to remember not to get too carried away.

As things start to progress it's important to mention I'm doing the event to raise money for a great charity, The Karen Green Foundation. This is a new charity and one it's great to be involved with, even more so at such an early stage. I never met Karen Green but I'm proud to be raising money in her memory. From what I've heard about here she sounds like my kind of person, great resilience and truly selfless, very inspirational. Please take time to watch this weeks YouTube video which is Mick Green talking at the launch night of The Foundation. You can check out the website for further details here I'll let you know sponsorship details at a later stage when I've got it all sorted, but needless to say I'd be grateful if you could all donate generously.

It leads nicely on to my ramblings, in the UK today is Mothers Day, a day when we remember our Mother, a person who is so often taken for granted. So Mum, thanks for everything, I know I'm not the most patient person but your the best Mum possible, I wouldn't swap you for the world :-). I also went to see my dear old Gran today too... luckily she's got very bad eyesight, or she would have had to look at me sat on her sofa in my underpants with a pack of frozen potato wedges on my knee (a precaution only). Luckily though, that's sorted tea out too. Anyways make sure you tell the people you care about how you feel, I'm not great at talking but hopefully mum will read this blog and get the message (she's actually sat opposite me now but this is the modern way) :-).    

For now, Matto_w out x

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Outlaw Triathlon and the Battle with Time

Hi guys, it's been a while I know, and until recently I literally haven't had a spare hour to write a blog. Working, sleeping and training has generally been the theme... plus a bit of socialising, it's important to remember your friends and have some sort of life outside triathlon. I found myself having to find time, and make time, difficult concepts, but with structure and sacrifice (and limited sleep) you can just about do what you want.

So the last few weeks have been a bit shitty training wise... I developed a knee problem which after a trip to the Physio last night, I'm happy to say isn't too bad. A lack of lateral movement in my left knee cause a build of pressure and swelling after long bike rides meaning I couldn't ride or run. With a bit of (painful) physio and some new pedals/cleats I'm going to be fine. I can't wait to get out running tomorrow and get back training!

Looking at the bigger picture though, things are great, as I look at the countdown to the race you can't help worrying a bit. But, as we stand we've got about 4 months to go, I've only been doing this sport 5 months and when I think how far I've come I know I can accomplish this. I had a "moment" when I went down to the lake at Holme Pierrepont last weekend, the lake is very long but my determination is great. "Do not pray for easier lives. Pray to be stronger men." [JFK]

It's a hectic weekend ahead, I'm off work tomorrow but still no rest for the wicked. My band is playing a gig in London, which is great, and I'd planned to stay at a friends and drive home Saturday. Unfortunately I have to work Saturday so I have to drive back tomorrow night :-( but hey ho, I'll find time. Checkout the youtube video this week, it my bands newest song Starting Fires.

I'm going to go, I need an early night as tomorrow is going to be a long day. Looking forward to next weekend now as I'm entered into the Clumber Duathlon, should be a good experience for a rookie. Wish me luck.

PS On the right there is a link to some other blogs... take time to read Cayci's latest entry... it's brilliantly written and a great read.

Bye x