Sunday, 25 March 2012

The Clumber Park Duathlon and Wedding Bells...

Hello again, this has been the first week when I've not missed a scheduled training session. I'm absolutely shattered, but I'm starting to feel like every second counts with 14 weeks to go. It's roughly about the time I started running about a year ago. I started training for a 10k at Wollaton Park and haven't really stopped since, it's scary to think how far I've come but how far I've still got to go. Nothing out of the ordinary this week, except I substituted my long run on Saturday for the Clumber Park Duathlon.

This was only my second attempt at a multi-sport event and lets be honest, I need all the experience I can get. If it's possible I've come back even more addicted. I really enjoyed the event and the competition, and despite the 25 minute delay due to fog, it went pretty well. A quality school boy error as I came out of T2 still wearing my bike helmet and sunglasses, which I had to dash back to drop off but hey, it's all a learning curve :-). I came 64th overall and 30th in my category, under 40's. Not a bad start I guess, the running was ok but still a lot of work to do on the bike. I set out with a goal of going under 02:30:00 for the event.. I should quickly explain... Classic Distance Duathlon is, Run 10k, Bike 40k, Run 5k.

So it went some thing like this:
Run 1 - 39:14
T1 - 01:20
Bike - 01:18:47
T2 - 01:29
Run 2 - 20:46
TOTAL - 02:21:36
I was made up to run a sub 40:00 10k, but a little to disappointed not to go under 20:00 for the 5k, the bike took a lot out of me, but overall I'm satisfied, sub 02:20:00 next time :-).
It was great to see club mate Nick there too, we finished pretty close as well.

On Thursday I finally got my new bike set up, with a great bike fit with Mick at Langdale Lightweights. Delighted to get my Ribble out on the roads finally, so thanks to Mick. I'd highly recommend the bike fit, it makes such a difference, and the new bike is great.
I had a great Saturday night, which I managed to get through by having a sneaky afternoon nap on the sofa, great food and great company, thanks ;-), and it was great to have a quick catch up and cuppa with Catherine today... trying not to neglect my friends too much, although the pressures of time just keep increasing and increasing.

Oh, I nearly forgot... Wedding Bells... not me :-) but my best friend Andy and Gabby finally got engaged. I've always said life isn't like TV or the movies but I'm pleased to say they've pretty much proved me wrong. I was pretty speechless when Andy called to tell me the great news, it'd be an honour and privilege to share there special day so when he asked me to be best man, I was well and truly over the moon. Great people, loads of love to you too, hopefully see you soon.

As for the rest of you, matto_w out xx

1 comment:

  1. that's a great time , never mind for your first effort. I to have done the helmet trick. a friend did this race and said it was cold, so you should look forward to July when we can all get burnt, that should be better ,no ?
