Thursday, 15 March 2012

Outlaw Triathlon and the Battle with Time

Hi guys, it's been a while I know, and until recently I literally haven't had a spare hour to write a blog. Working, sleeping and training has generally been the theme... plus a bit of socialising, it's important to remember your friends and have some sort of life outside triathlon. I found myself having to find time, and make time, difficult concepts, but with structure and sacrifice (and limited sleep) you can just about do what you want.

So the last few weeks have been a bit shitty training wise... I developed a knee problem which after a trip to the Physio last night, I'm happy to say isn't too bad. A lack of lateral movement in my left knee cause a build of pressure and swelling after long bike rides meaning I couldn't ride or run. With a bit of (painful) physio and some new pedals/cleats I'm going to be fine. I can't wait to get out running tomorrow and get back training!

Looking at the bigger picture though, things are great, as I look at the countdown to the race you can't help worrying a bit. But, as we stand we've got about 4 months to go, I've only been doing this sport 5 months and when I think how far I've come I know I can accomplish this. I had a "moment" when I went down to the lake at Holme Pierrepont last weekend, the lake is very long but my determination is great. "Do not pray for easier lives. Pray to be stronger men." [JFK]

It's a hectic weekend ahead, I'm off work tomorrow but still no rest for the wicked. My band is playing a gig in London, which is great, and I'd planned to stay at a friends and drive home Saturday. Unfortunately I have to work Saturday so I have to drive back tomorrow night :-( but hey ho, I'll find time. Checkout the youtube video this week, it my bands newest song Starting Fires.

I'm going to go, I need an early night as tomorrow is going to be a long day. Looking forward to next weekend now as I'm entered into the Clumber Duathlon, should be a good experience for a rookie. Wish me luck.

PS On the right there is a link to some other blogs... take time to read Cayci's latest entry... it's brilliantly written and a great read.

Bye x    


  1. Good to hear your knee is nothing serious. Good luck with gettin your training back on track.
    Good luck also for your gig tonight

  2. Clumber duathlon is a great race. Take extra clothing, as the last two years have been cold cold cold.

  3. clumber duathlon was a great race as it it's sister event the ashbourne duatholon, have fun , and welcome to the world of bad knees this just means you have to work a bit smarter than the average schmuck who has no joint problems because they never get off the couch!
