Sunday, 18 March 2012

The Karen Green Foundation, Training and Other Ramblings

Hi All, I've had a good few days training which I'll run through first. Friday I was off work so I managed a good run and a good solo pool session. Borrowed from the Thursday night session with Absolute Tri Club I did 48x50m off 75secs. Thats a total of 2400m in an hour, steady pace I know but notable as it's the furthest I've been in an hour... and over half race distance. I went for a steady long run saturday evening too, a nice steady pace sub 8min miles for 1hr30mins, not bad after only having 4.5hrs sleep Friday night. I finished off the weekends training today with a 4hr ride, 60 miles at 15mph, again the furtherest I've been... and again over half race distance. It's scary to think how much further I have to go and do it all together, but progress nonetheless, I need to remind myself I'm still a beginner. I'm doing the Clumber Park Duathlon next Saturday so it was good to take in the route today, I did 4 laps of the course so the distance won't be a problem, just need to remember not to get too carried away.

As things start to progress it's important to mention I'm doing the event to raise money for a great charity, The Karen Green Foundation. This is a new charity and one it's great to be involved with, even more so at such an early stage. I never met Karen Green but I'm proud to be raising money in her memory. From what I've heard about here she sounds like my kind of person, great resilience and truly selfless, very inspirational. Please take time to watch this weeks YouTube video which is Mick Green talking at the launch night of The Foundation. You can check out the website for further details here I'll let you know sponsorship details at a later stage when I've got it all sorted, but needless to say I'd be grateful if you could all donate generously.

It leads nicely on to my ramblings, in the UK today is Mothers Day, a day when we remember our Mother, a person who is so often taken for granted. So Mum, thanks for everything, I know I'm not the most patient person but your the best Mum possible, I wouldn't swap you for the world :-). I also went to see my dear old Gran today too... luckily she's got very bad eyesight, or she would have had to look at me sat on her sofa in my underpants with a pack of frozen potato wedges on my knee (a precaution only). Luckily though, that's sorted tea out too. Anyways make sure you tell the people you care about how you feel, I'm not great at talking but hopefully mum will read this blog and get the message (she's actually sat opposite me now but this is the modern way) :-).    

For now, Matto_w out x

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